Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just another Wacky Cake

We had a very nice Divine Liturgy this morning. A lovely couple on the team is celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this month. May God grant them many healthy and happy years together! Proceeding the delicious lunch of potato patties (I don't know if they refer to them as llapingachos like they do in Ecuador), we had another wacky cake in celebration of Mike and Helen's 50 years together. They also bought sorbet for all the kids and missionaries. I had mango! Sunday afternoons, especially rainy Sunday afternoons, all the kids get to watch movies and eat poporopos (popcorn). The little ones watched Sleeping Beauty (again) and Kung Fu Panda, while the main lobby viewed Fantastic 4 and Jump. I sat in the back while one of the girls was teaching a missionary a pretty spanish song about friendship. I love little moments like those. After dinner, the team decided to have a Paraklesis service. The humble few congregated in front of the Panagia while Anya's beautiful voice led us in prayer. Tomorrow, the team will go to the monastery and Antigua to visit. They leave Tuesday morning. It seems as if they just got here. They have been doing a lot of yard work and plumbing this week. It is hard to believe that this summer is coming to a close and that I will be heading back to PA in just a few short days. There is still a good week left, so I want to live in the moment, and take advantage of every minute with the children. I do know that even though I will be leaving Monday, I will be leaving a part of my heart behind with these loving little souls.

1 comment:

  1. Larissa,

    I am (again) finding myself in tears as I read another one of your beautiful posts. I cannot help but to empathize with you about leaving. Your work at the Hogar has affected all the way from Central America to the mid-west of America across the Atlantic (I have a dear friend in Lebanon for the summer and he has been closely viewing your blog). Little do we know, the children seem to give so much more than they get, and you know from living there now, they get a LOT. It seems as though your stay is ending, and as your tears flow, please remember to love each day - pray for strength, and most importantly enjoy every minute you have. The time there is so precious. Please, upon returning to the States, do not hesitate to call, text or skype me. I would love to be in contact with you when you return!

    Praying for a very BLESSED last few days at our "home" in Guatemala...

    Love and prayers, ALWAYS in Christ,

