Saturday, July 17, 2010

Christmas in July

He didn't care that they were 10 sizes too big. He was just so grateful for new shoes!

After morning prayers, we had Christmas in July. The church in Chicago sent down more or less a pair of shoes for every child. It was great to see the shoe fit the personality of the child. Some were a little too big (2 year old Anna got a size 7 shoe..whoops). This is not the offical name, but it just felt like Christmas morning when all the children we receiving their shoes and trying them on and walking around. After trying them on, all the new squeaky shoes made their way from the church, to the morning activites.
Yesterday was the last day (we thank God) of Tren de Chocolate. It was Father John's birthday so Filipe the baker made two giant wacky cakes. A wacky cake is a lenten recipe with no milk, eggs, etc. because it was Friday. It was delicious. May God grant him many more years!
After morning activites, we had the futbol finals. They were pretty intense, and there were no major injuries. Everyone was a good sport, and shook hands after the games. After prizes were handed out, a final group shot was taken and then it was time to have the art exhibition of all the crafts the children made throughout the week. This was a rushed process because we also had vespers we could not be late for.

Brother and sister from the winning team
One of the missionarie's cousins visited the hogar as well. He was here for 2 years with Peace Corps. It was really interesting hearing his story, pros and cons of peace corps, etc. I have been thinking about applying, but that is as far as it gets. I haven't actually started the action of applying. I don't know if it is because I am not supposed to or what. I don't know what I want, only He does for me.

It was a long day and it was hot out, and because of the prior day's activities, we just wanted to catch up on some sleep.

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